
This Blog was born from a wet day in Germany, looking at one of the many war memorials in that country and further investigation which led me to notice a lack of reference material with regards to the German Army in World War One.

My work on this project has been made easier by the World Wide Web, but with the information tools at my disposal it has been a constant battle to ensure that the correct information has been included.

This Blog is intended for reference, and will hopefully enable those with an interest in the German Army of World War One to look up with confidence the various units and organisations which contributed to the German war machine.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

18th Army

The 14th Army was formed to end the war in 1918, using divisions released from Russia.  It was formed in France in February 1918.

Army Reserve

!st Guards Infantry Division (Theatre Reserve)
7th Reserve Infantry Division
10th Reserve Infantry Division
23rd Infantry Division

III Corps

5th Infantry Division
6th Infantry Division
28th Infantry Division
88th Infantry Division
113th Infantry Division
206th Infantry Division

IX Corps

5th Guards Division
45th Reserve Infantry Division
50th Infantry Division
231st Infantry Division

XVII Corps

1st Bavarian Infantry Division
9th Infantry Division
10th Infantry Division
36th Infantry Division 
238th Infantry Division

IV Reserve Corps

13th Landwehr Division
33rd Infantry Division
34th Infantry Division
37th Infantry Division
47th Reserve Infantry Division
103rd Infantry Division

Thursday, 26 June 2014

17th Army

The 14th Army was formed to end the war in 1918, using divisions released from Russia.  It was formed in France in February 1918, 

I Bavarian Reserve Corps

187th Infantry Division
26th Reserve Division
10th Ersatz Division
208th Division

II Bavarian Corps
from 6th Army

234th Infantry Division
25th Infantry Division

from 2nd Army

220th Infantry Division
35th Infantry Division
6th Infantry Division

XIV Reserve Corps

214th Infantry Division
111th Infantry Division
48th Reserve Division
206th Infantry Division
12th Infantry Division
28th Reserve Division

Sunday, 22 June 2014

14th Army

The 14th Army was formed to assist the Austrians in Italy in September 1917.

I (Austrian) Corps

3rd Eidelwiess Infantry Division
22nd Rifle Division
55th Infantry Division
Jaeger Division

III Bavarian Corps
from 6th Army

50th Infantry Division
12th Infantry Division
117th Infantry Division
Alpine Corps

LI Corps
General Command Corps (zbV)

26th Infantry Division
200th Infantry Division

XV (Austrian) Corps

1st Infantry Division
5th Infantry Division

Reserve (Austrian)

4th Infantry Division
13th Rifle Division
33rd Infantry Division
35th Infantry Division
94th Infantry Division

The 14th Army was formed to prevent a colapse of the Italian Front and in October 1917 was used to command seven German Divisions from the Eastern Front.

It fought at the Battle of Carporetto.

The 14th Army was withdrawn in January 1918 to the Western Front, leaving the LI Corps until February 1918. 

Saturday, 21 June 2014

11th Army

The 11th Army was formed in March 1915.

XLI Reserve Corps

81st Reserve Infantry Division
82nd Reserve Infantry Division

Guard Corps

1st Guard Infantry Division
2nd Guard Infantry Division

X Corps

19th Infantry Division
20th Infantry Division

VI Corps Command (Austria-Hungary)

15th Infantry Division
27th Infantry Division
6th Cavalry Brigade
6th Field Artillery Brigade

Combined Corps

11th Bavarian Infantry Division
119th Infantry Division

The 11th Army was formed from the 14 new divisions created by the triangulation of the German Divisions in March 1915.

In May 1915 the Army was engaged in the Battle of Gorlice-Tarnow, together with the 4th Austro-Hungarian Army.  In September 1915 the Army was disbanded, with the HQ used to form Army Group Mackensen.

It was reformed at the end of September 1915 with the:

 III Army Corps
IV Reserve Corps
X Reserve Corps  

It was intended together with the 3rd Austro-Hungarian Army, and the 1st Bulgarian Army to be used to invade Serbia.

By November 1915 the Army Group had defeated Serbia and was on the Greek border on the Solonika Front.  It remained on that front, but fell back into Germany by 7th December 1918.

10th Army

The 10th Army was formed from reserve units. It was formed on 26th January 1915.

XXI Corps

31st Infantry Division
42nd Infantry Division

XXXIX Reserve Corps

77th Reserve Infantry Division
78th Reserve Infantry Division

XXXVIII Reserve Corps

75th Reserve Infantry Division
76th Reserve Infantry Division

It was formed to take part in offensive action on the Eastern Front, and took part in the SecondBattle of the Massurian Lakes.  It was redesignated Army Group Eichorn in July 1916.

 In 1918 the 10th Army was part of the occupation forces in Russia.  It returned to Germany in February 1919.


9th Army

The 9th Army was formed from units on the Eastern Front in September 1914.

XI Corps

Transferred from the 3rd Army on the Western Front 

22nd Infantry Division
38th Infantry Division

XVII Corps

Transferred from the 8th Army on the Eastern Front

35th Infantry Division
36th Infantry Division

XX Corps

Transferred from the 8th Army on the Eastern Front

37th Infantry Division
41st Infantry Division

Guard Reserve Corps

Transferred from the 2nd Army on the Western Front

3rd Guards Infantry Division
1st Guards Reserve Division

Landwehr Corps

3rd Landwehr Division
4th Landwehr Division

III Cavalry Corps

8th Cavalry Division from the Western Front

 The Army was formed from units taken from the Western Front, the 8th Army and reserve formations.  It was located in Upper Silesia to combat Russian troops and assist Austrian formations.

In October 1914 it took part in the Battle of the Vistula, in November it took part in the Battle of Lodz and advanced to capture Warsaw.  On the 30th July 1916 the Army was disbanded, but the HQ remained active.

After Rumania declared war on 27th August 1916 the Army was re-activated to counter the new threat. It fought on the Rumanian front and was active in Northern Romania until June 1918 when it was moved to the Western front.

It fought at the Second Battle of the Marne, and the Retreat to the Hindenburg line.  It was disbanded in September, The HQ transferring to Army Group Galwitz.  

8th Army (2nd August 1914 - 29th September 1915)

The 8th Army was formed from  the I Army Inspectorate on mobalisation.

I Corps

1st Infantry Division
2nd Infantry Division

XVII Corps

35th Infantry Division
36th Infantry Division

XX Corps

37th Infantry Division
41st Infantry Division

I Reserve Corps

1st Reserve Infantry Division
36th Reserve Infantry Division

Landwehr Corps

3rd Landwehr Division
4th Landwehr Division

The Army was actived in Poznan to defend East Prussia against the expected Russian attack.  It was supported by the 1st Cavalry Division.

After the Battle of Gumbinnen on 19th/20th August 1914 the German Army was forced to start a withdraw behind the Vistula.  However, the victories at Tannenberg on the 26th-30th August 1914, and the Battle of the Masurian Lakes on the 6th-14th September 1914 stopped the Russian invasion.  The 8th Army under Hindenburg then moved south to support the 9th Army, which was falling back.

Field Marshal Hindenburg took over command of the German 9th Army, placing General Richard Von Schubert in charge of the 8th Army.  The Kaiser had already placed Hindenburg in command of operations on the Eastern Front.

In early 1915 the 10th German Army was created, and these armies took part in the Second Battle of the Masurian Lakes between the 2nd-27th February 1915.  

After the success of the German Army in 1915 the Army was re-organised and the front reinforced.  The XXXIX Reserve Corps was placed in Kurland and then expanded into Army Detatchment Leuenstein.  On 26th May 1915 the 8th Army HQ was withdrawn and renamed the Army of the Neiman,

The 8th Army designation was transfered to the XX Corps, commanded by General , This Army was disbanded on the 29th September 1915.   


7th Army

The 7th Army was formed from  the II Army Inspectorate on mobalisation.

XIV Corps

28th Infantry Division
29th Infantry Division

XV Corps

30th Infantry Division
39th Infantry Division

XIV Reserve Corps

26th Reserve Infantry Division
28th Reserve Infantry Division

The Army fought at the Battle of Mulhouse, it also defended the line in the Second Battle of the Aisne, and the Nivelle Offensive.  It fought over forty French Divisions. 

XXIII Reserve Corps (Group Crepy)

45th Reserve Division
46th Reserve Division

XI Corps (Group Vailly)

22nd Infantry Division
38th Infantry Division

LIV Corps (Group Liesse)

2nd Guard Division
5th Guard Division
13th Infantry Division

XV Reserve Corps (Group Sissone)

30th Bavarian Reserve Division
39th Reserve Division

In May 1918 the Third Battle of the Aisne took place, with the Army consisting of thirty divisions.

VII Corps (Group Francois)
LIV Corps (Group Larisch) 
XXV Reserve Corps (Group Winckler)
IV Reserve Corps (Group Conta)
GHQ 65 (Group Schmettow)