
This Blog was born from a wet day in Germany, looking at one of the many war memorials in that country and further investigation which led me to notice a lack of reference material with regards to the German Army in World War One.

My work on this project has been made easier by the World Wide Web, but with the information tools at my disposal it has been a constant battle to ensure that the correct information has been included.

This Blog is intended for reference, and will hopefully enable those with an interest in the German Army of World War One to look up with confidence the various units and organisations which contributed to the German war machine.

Saturday, 23 January 2016

The Final Offensive 1918 - 6th Army and 4th Army

The Georgette offensive part of the Kaisers offensive, and bagan on 9th April 1918.  It was an attack by the 6th and 4th Armies towards Armentières and Festuber against the British 1st Army.  

The 6th Army consisted of the following units.

II Bavarian Corps

32nd Infantry Division
38th Infantry Division 
10th Replacement Division

XIX Corps

35th Infantry Division
42nd Infantry Division 
11th Reserve Division
81st Reserve Division

LV Corps

1st Bavarian Reserve Division
8th Bavarian Reserve Division
8th Infantry Division
16th Infantry Division

IV Corps

4th Replacement Division
18th Reserve Division
43rd Reserve Division
44th Reserve Division

XXXX Reserve Corps

In defensive positions

On 10th April 1918 the 4th Army began its attack towards
Nieppe and Steenwerck against the British 2nd Army.

XVIII Reserve Corps

7th Infantry Division
17th Reserve Division
49th Reserve Division

X Reserve Corps

31st Infantry Division
214th Infantry Division
36th Reserve Division

The III Bavarian Corps, the Guards Reserve Corps and the Alpine Corps were also added.

Friday, 22 January 2016

The Final Offensive 1918 - 3rd Battle of The Aisne

7th Army

VII Corps

211th Infantry Division
241st Infantry Division

LIV Corps

5th Infantry Division
6th Infantry Division
6th Bavarian Reserve Division

VIII Reserve Corps

14th Reserve Division
37th Infantry Division
113th Infantry Division
197th Infantry Division
13th Landwehr Division
XXV Reserve Corps

1st Guards Division
33rd Infantry Division 
10th Reserve Division
231st Infantry Division

IV Reserve Corps

10th Infantry Division
28th Infantry Division
5th Guards Division
103rd Infantry Division

LXV Command

50th Infantry Division
52nd Infantry Division
7th Reserve Division

XV Corps

33rd Reserve Division
213th Infantry Division

41st Infantry Division
47th Infantry Division
51st Reserve Division
36th Infantry Division
115th Infantry Division
195th Infantry Division
12th Bavarian Division
2nd Guards Division

The Final Offensive 1918 - 18th Army

18th Army (MajGen Oskar von Hutier)

III Corps (LtGen Walther von Luttwitz)

(1st Line)

28th Infantry Division (LtGen Hans von Buchau)
88th Infantry Division (LtGen Wilhelm von Beczwarzowski)
113th Infantry Division (LtGen Walter von Bergmann)

(2nd Line)

5th Infantry Division (MajGen Hasso Georg von Wedel)
6th Infantry Division (LtGen Maximilian von Mutius
206th Infantry Division (LtGen Otto von Etzel)

(3rd Line)

23rd Infantry Division

IX Corps Gen Horst von Oetinger)

45th Reserve Division
50th Infantry Division

(2nd Line)

5th Guards Division
231st Infantry Division

(3rd Line)

1st Guards Division

XVII Corps (LtGen Richard von Webern)

(1st Line)

1st Bavarian Division (MajGen Rudolf Danner)
36th Infantry Division (LtGen Arnd von Leipzig)
238th Infantry Division (LtGen Hans von Below vice 22/3 Gen Erich von Bockmann)

(2nd Line)

9th Infantry Division
10th Infantry Division

(3rd Line)

7th Reserve Division
10th Reserve Division

IV Reserve Corps

(1st Line)

34th Infantry Division
37th Infantry Division
103rd Infantry Division

(2nd Line)

33rd Infantry Division

Group GAYL

(1st Line)

13th Landwehr Division (Gen Georg von Gayl)
47th Reserve Division (MajGen Hartwig Freiherr von Eichendorf)

(2nd Line)

223rd Infantry Division (MajGen Oskar Haevernick)

(3rd Line)

211th Infantry Division (MajGen Karl von Lewiski)

Attack Plan

III Corps attacking British 24th and 61st Divisions
IX Corps attacking British in support of III Corps
XVIII Corps attacking British 36th and 14th Divisions
IV Reserve Corps attacking British 14th and 18th Divisions
Group GAYL attacking British 18th and 58th Divisions

27 Divisions

The Final Offensive 1918 - 2nd Army

2nd Army

XXXIX Reserve Corps

(1st Line)

16th Reserve Division
21st Reserve Division

XIII Corps

(1st Line)

27th Infantry Division
107th Infantry Division
183rd Infantry Division

(2nd Line)

54th Reserve Division

(3rd Line)

3rd Naval Division

XXIII Reserve Corps

(1st Line)

18th Infantry Division
50th Reserve Division
79th Reserve Division

(2nd Line)

9th Reserve Division
13th Infantry Division

(3rd Line)

199th Infantry Division

XIV Corps

(1st Line)

4th Guards Division
25th Infantry Division

(2nd Line)

1st Infantry Division

(3rd Line)

228th Infantry Division

LI Corps

(1st Line)

208th Infantry Division 

(2nd Line)

19th Infantry Division

(3rd Line)

Guards Ersatz Division

Attack Plan

XXXIX Reserve Corps holding attacks on British 47th and 63rd Divisions
XIII Corps attacking British 9th and 21st Divisions
XXIII Reserve Corps attacking British 16th and 66th Divisions
XIV Corps attacking the British 66th and 24th Divisions
LI Corps attacking the British 24th Division

20 Divisions

The Final Offensive 1918 - 17th Army

21st March 1918

The German assault units waited for the bombardment that had begun at 0440 hours to finish.  At 0940 hours the assault troops left their trenches and advanced towards the British line.

This was the start of Operation Michael, the first phase of the Kaisers Offensive, involving 73 divisions and three armies.  A total of 840,000 men.

The 17th Army failed to achieve its objectives on the first day, but continued to advance.  By the 23rd March 1918 it had been ordered to advance in the direction of Arras-St Pol.

17th Army (Otto von Below)

XVIII Corps (LtGen Victor Albrecht)

(1st Line)

111th Infantry Division (MajGen Johannes von Busse)
221st Infantry Division (MajGen Siegfried von La Chevellerie)
234th Infantry Division (MajGen Karl von Stumpff)

(2nd Line)

2nd Guards Reserve Division (MajGen Axel von Petersdorff)
6th Bavarian Division

(3rd Line)

239th Infantry Division (MajGen Maximillian von Reitenstein)

VI Reserve Corps (LtGen Kurt von dem Borne)

(1st Line)

17th Division (MajGen Arthur von Gabain)
195th Division (MajGen Georg Weidner)

(2nd Line)

1st Guards Reserve Division (MajGen Paul Teide)
5th Bavarian Division (LtGen Nikolaus von Endres)

(3rd Line)

24th Infantry Division (MajGen Rudolf Hammer)

XIV Reserve Corps (LtGen Arthur von Lindequist)

(1st Line)

3rd Guards Division (MajGen Dietrich Roder von Diersburg)
20th Infantry Division (LtGen Otto von Trautmann vice 26/3 MajGen Wilhelm Zwenger)

(2nd Line)

39th Infantry Division (MajGen Julius Edler von Davans)

XI Corps (LtGen Viktor Kuhne)

(1st Line)

24th Reserve Division (Col Otto von Oldershausen)
53rd Reserve Division (MajGen Max Leuthold)
119th Infantry Division (MajGen Karl Wilhelm Berger)

(2nd Line)

4th Infantry Division

Attack Plan

XVIII Corps to attack the British 34th and 59th Divisions
VI Reserve Corps to attack the British 6th Division
XIV Reserve Corps to attack the British 6th Division and 51st Division
XI Corps to attack the British 51st Division

18 Divisions