The Georgette offensive part of the Kaisers offensive, and bagan on 9th April 1918. It was an attack by the 6th and 4th Armies towards Armentières and Festuber against the British 1st Army.
The 6th Army consisted of the following units.
II Bavarian Corps
32nd Infantry Division
38th Infantry Division
10th Replacement Division
XIX Corps
35th Infantry Division
42nd Infantry Division
11th Reserve Division
81st Reserve Division
LV Corps
1st Bavarian Reserve Division
8th Bavarian Reserve Division
8th Infantry Division
16th Infantry Division
IV Corps
4th Replacement Division
18th Reserve Division
43rd Reserve Division
44th Reserve Division
XXXX Reserve Corps
In defensive positions
On 10th April 1918 the 4th Army began its attack towards
Nieppe and Steenwerck against the British 2nd Army.
XVIII Reserve Corps
7th Infantry Division
17th Reserve Division
49th Reserve Division
X Reserve Corps
31st Infantry Division
214th Infantry Division
36th Reserve Division
The III Bavarian Corps, the Guards Reserve Corps and the Alpine Corps were also added.