
This Blog was born from a wet day in Germany, looking at one of the many war memorials in that country and further investigation which led me to notice a lack of reference material with regards to the German Army in World War One.

My work on this project has been made easier by the World Wide Web, but with the information tools at my disposal it has been a constant battle to ensure that the correct information has been included.

This Blog is intended for reference, and will hopefully enable those with an interest in the German Army of World War One to look up with confidence the various units and organisations which contributed to the German war machine.

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

5th Ersatz (Replacement) Division (Division Basedow)

This Army Militia unit was formed in June 1915.

The 5th Ersatz Division was formed in 1915 and formed part of the German fourth line after regular and reserve formations.  It fought on the Somme and on the Eastern front.

2nd Reserve Ersatz Brigade

3rd Reserve Ersatz Regiment
4th Res Ersatz Regiment

37th Landwehr Brigade

73rd Landwehr Infantry Regiment
74th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

2nd Landwehr Squadron/VIII Corps
2nd Landwehr Squadron/X Corps
2nd Landwehr Squadron/I Bavarian Corps
2nd Landwehr Squadron/II Bavarian Corps

26th Field Artillery Regiment (2nd Hanover)/Ersatz Company
24th Pioneer Battalion (2nd Westphalia)/3rd Pioneer Company
2nd Landsturm Pioneer Company/IX Corps

The Division was triangulised in November 1916

37th Landwehr Brigade

73rd Landwehr Infantry Regiment
74th Landwehr Infantry Regiment
3rd Reserve Ersatz Regiment

16th Hanover Dragoon Regiment/1st Squadron
102nd Field Artillery Detachment
2nd Landsturm Pioneer Company/IX Corps
405th Mine Thrower Company

By January 1918 the Division consisted of the following units:

 37th Landwehr Brigade

73rd Landwehr Infantry Regiment
74th Landwehr Infantry Regiment
8th Landsturm Infantry Regiment

16th Hanover Dragoon Regiment/1st Squadron
102nd Field Artillery Detachment
2nd Landsturm Pioneer Company/IX Corps
405th Mine Thrower Company

3rd Naval Division

This Naval unit was formed in April 1917.

The 3rd Naval Division was formed in 1917 and formed part of the German Army formations, and was formed from units of the Imperial German colonial marines, elite formations.

It took part in the fighting on the Western Front
4th Naval Brigade

1st Naval Infantry Regiment

The Regiment was formed from the 1st Naval Battalion in Kiel

1st Sea Battalion
5th Sea Battalion
8th Sea Battalion
2nd Naval Infantry Regiment

The Regiment was formed from the 2nd Naval Battalion in Wilhelmshaven

2nd Sea Battalion
4th Sea Battalion
6th Sea Battalion

3rd Naval Infantry Regiment

The Regiment was formed from the 3rd Naval Battalion in Cuxhaven

7th Sea Battalion
9th Sea Battalion
10th Sea Battalion

2nd Naval Division

This Naval unit was formed in November 1914.

The 2nd Naval Division was formed in 1914 and formed part of the German Army formations, and from November 1914 formed part of the I Naval Corps.

The 1st Division guarded the sea front, and the 2nd Division guarded the coast.  The units alternated between the divisions and brigades.
3rd Naval Brigade

1st Naval Fusiliers
2nd Naval Fusiliers
3rd Naval Fusiliers

4th Naval Brigade

4th Naval Fusiliers
5th Naval Fusiliers
6th Naval Fusiliers
4th Naval Infantry Regiment

1st Naval Division

This Naval unit was formed in August 1914.

The 1st Naval Division was formed in 1914 and formed part of the German Army formations, and from November 1914 formed part of the I Naval Corps.

1st Naval Brigade

1st Naval Fusiliers
2nd Naval Fusiliers
3rd Naval Fusiliers

2nd Naval Brigade

4th Naval Fusiliers
5th Naval Fusiliers
6th Naval Fusiliers
4th Naval Infantry Regiment

1st Bavarian Landwehr (Militia) Division

This Army Militia unit was formed in August 1914 as the Wening Landwehr Division.

The 1st Bavarian Landwehr Division was formed in 1914 and formed part of the German third line after regular and reserve formations.

13th Bavarian Landwehr Brigade

The Brigade was transferred to the 9th Bavarian Reserve Division on 26th September 1916.

8th Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment
10th Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment

14th Landwehr Brigade

The Brigade was disbanded on 1st January 1916
122nd Landwehr Infantry Regiment

15th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

60th Landwehr Brigade

The Brigade was transferred to the 13th Landwehr Division on 17th May 1915.
60th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

71st Landwehr Infantry Regiment

4th Ersatz (Replacement) Division

This Army Militia unit was formed in August 1914.

The 4th Ersatz Division was formed in 1914 and formed part of the German fourth line after regular and reserve formations.

It took part in the Battle of the Frontiers and served on both the Western and Eastern fronts.

9th Ersatz Brigade

The Brigade was transferred to the 20th Landwehr Division on the 19th September 1916.

On 2nd August 1914 the Brigade consisted of the following units:

9th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 1st Battalion/359th Regiment 

10th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 2nd Battalion/359th Regiment

11th Ersatz Battalion

 The battalion was used to form the 1st Battalion/360nd Regiment

12th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 3rd Battalion/359th Regiment

Brandenburg Ersatz Cavalry Detatchment
18th Ersatz Field Artillery Detatchment
39th Ersatz Field Artillery Detatchment
 2nd Ersatz Pioneer Company

13th Ersatz Brigade

13th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 2nd Battalion/360nd Regiment

14th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 3rd Battalion/360nd Regiment

15th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 1st Battalion/361st Regiment

16th Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 2nd Battalion/361st Regiment

Helberstadt Ersatz Cavalry Detatchment
40th Ersatz Field Artillery Detatchment
75th Ersatz Field Artillery Detatchment
1st Ersatz Pioneer Company

33rd Ersatz Brigade

On the 9th July 1915, the Brigade was disbanded.

33rd Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 1st Battalion/362nd Regiment 

34th Ersatz Battalion
The battalion was used to form the 2nd Battalion/362nd Regiment

35th Ersatz Battalion

 The battalion was used to form the 3rd Battalion/362nd Regiment

36th Ersatz Battalion

 The battalion was used to form the 3rd Battalion/361st Regiment

81st Ersatz Battalion

The battalion was used to form the 4th Battalion/362nd Regiment

Wandsbeck Ersatz Cavalry Detatchment
45th Ersatz Field Artillery Detatchment
60th Ersatz Field Artillery Detatchment
1st Ersatz Pioneer Company (9th Pioneer Battalion)

The Division was reorganised on 15th July 1915.

9th Ersatz Infantry Brigade

359th Infantry Regiment 

1st Battalion (9th Ersatz Battalion)
2nd Battalion (10th Ersatz Battalion)
3rd Battalion (12th Ersatz  Battalion)

360th Infantry Regiment  

1st Battalion (11th Ersatz Battalion)
2nd Battalion (13th Ersatz Battalion)
13th Battlion (14th Ersatz Battalion)

13th Ersatz Brigade

361st Infantry Regiment 

1st Battalion (15th Ersatz Battalion)
2nd Battalion (16th Ersatz Battalion)
3rd Battalion (36th Ersatz Battalion)

362nd Infantry Regiment  

1st Battalion (33rd Ersatz Battalion)
2nd Battalion (34th Ersatz Battalion)
3rd Battalion (35th Ersatz Battalion)
4th Battalion (81st Ersatz Battalion)

4th Ersatz Cavalry Squadron

4th Ersatz Artillery Brigade

90th Field Artillery Regiment
91st Field Artillery Regiment

303rd, 304th and 305th Pioneer Companies

The Division was triangulised in September 1916 and lost the 359th Infantry Regiment to the new 206th Infantry Division.

13th Ersatz Infantry Brigade

360th Infantry Regiment (11th Ersatz Battalion/12th Ersatz Battalion)
361st Infantry Regiment (13th Ersatz Battalion/14th Ersatz Battalion)
362nd Infantry Regiment (15th Ersatz Battalion/16th Ersatz Battalion)

10th Hussars/5th Cavalry Squadron

139th Artillery Brigade

90th Field Artillery Regiment
119th Field Artillery Regiment

504th Pioneer Battalion

303rd, 304th Pioneer, and  161st Mine thrower Companies

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

3rd Landwehr (Militia) Division

This Army Militia unit was formed on 2nd August 1914.

The 3rd Landwehr Division was formed in 1914 and formed part of the German third line after regular and reserve formations.  It was formed as the Higher Landwehr Command 3.

17th Landwehr Brigade

6th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

The 6th Landwehr Regiment was formed in 1868 as the 1st West Prussian Landwehr Regiment. 

7th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

The 7th Landwehr Regiment was formed in 1868 as the 2nd West Prussian Landwehr Regiment.

18th Landwehr Brigade

On 19th August 1916 the Brigade was transferred to the 217th Infantry Division.

37th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

In 1917 the Regiment joined the 91st Infantry Division

46th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

The Regiment was moved to the 17th Landwehr Brigade.
17th Ersatz (Replacement) Brigade

On 28th September 1914 the Brigade was disbanded.

17th Ersatz Battalion
18th Ersatz Battalion
19th Ersatz Battalion
20th Ersatz Battalion
77th Ersatz Battalion

The Division fought on the Eastern and Western fronts

2nd Bavarian Landwehr (Militia) Division

This Army Militia unit was formed in December 1916.

The 2nd Bavarian Landwehr Division was formed in 1916 and formed part of the German third line after regular and reserve formations.

6th Bavarian Landwehr Brigade
2nd Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment

5th Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment
10th Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment

2nd Landwehr (Militia) (Wurttenberg) Division

This Army Militia unit was formed in August 1914.  It was mobalised as the 2nd Higher Landwehr Command.

The 2nd Landwehr Division was formed in 1914 and formed part of the German third line after regular and reserve formations.

9th Bavarian Landwehr Brigade

On 1st January 1916 the Brigade was transferred to the 1st Bavarian Landwehr Division.

6th Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment

7th Bavarian Landwehr Infantry Regiment

1st Landwehr Squadron
1st Landstorm Battery

43rd Landwehr Brigade

On 1st February 1915 this Brigade was transferred to the 9th Landwehr Division, and on 4th March 1915 was redesignated as the 76th Landwehr Brigade.

32nd Landwehr Infantry Regiment

83rd Landwehr Infantry Regiment

1st Landwehr Squadron

1st Landwehr Artillery
2nd Landwehr Artillery

45th Landwehr Brigade

On 20th February 1917 the Brigade was transferred to the 45th Landwehr Division,

100th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

102nd Landwehr Infantry Regiment

Landwehr Squadron
Landstorm Battery

53rd Landwehr Brigade

On 4th January 1917 the Brigade was transferred to the 204th (Wurtenberg) Infantry Division as the 407th Infantry Brigade.
 124th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

125th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

3rd Landwehr Squadron
Landstorm Battery

54th Landwehr Brigade

When the 9th Bavarian Landwehr Brigade and the 43rd Landwehr Brigade left the Division they were replaced by the 54th Landwehr Brigade.  

120th Landwehr Infantry Regiment

122nd Landwehr Infantry Regiment

125th Landwehr Infantry Regiment was moved into the Brigade from the 53rd Landwehr Brigade.

 It fought on the Western front.